
street style

Hey everyoneeeeee, I'm back!
I've started uni, I've moved in with my flatmates, I've (kind of) survived fresher's week and now, I have time to write again. Let me fill you in on the last few weeks...
Fresher's week was insane. Going out every night is not as fun as it sounds! I was so stressed, I didn't have time to unpack my room and for at least four days I lived out of a suitcase and a 'floordrobe'. I was tired and hungover all the time, and still went to all my intro lectures, believe it or not. If you want, I may dedicate an entire post on fresher's week and share some photos with you - including my trip to A&E on the second night (injury was kind of non-alcohol related, actually).
So far, I'm loving my uni course. Our first assignment is so fun, I don't even see it as work. We're focusing on our fashion inspirations, the 'stakeholders' of the fashion industry, and then we'll be creating moodboards based on their work/style/life/inspirations. I do think it's gonna get a lot harder but it's such a nice task to begin with.
The picture I've posted above is from my introduction week. We were set a street style task to get to know the city, the style and the people. It was a bit daunting to approach randomers, but everyone was super nice and I guess I have to get used to that kind of thing anyway. We also watched a film based on Bill Cunningham, a NY street style photographer. I haven't made my mind up on whether I think he's creepy or cute, but the quote 'I let the street speak to me' comes from him anyway.
Overall, I'm liking uni. I have no money, and food is expensive. My flat mates are the bestest. My course is promising. I miss my family and home and my home gym like mad, but I'm starting to settle in properly - bought washing powder, and cleaning utensils yesterday - and I'll be back in Germany before I know it, anyway.

PS. Gossip Girl is back! 9 episodes to go!
PPS. I'm going to New York City in January, so excited!
PPPS. I've got a new phone so I have Instagram, follow me - kisforkellie :)