The term 'TGIF' has zero relevance in my life right now - I'm still on my reading week, so every day is Friday to me.. And even though it's almost Saturday here in Germany, I thought I'd do a quick Friday Favourites post as I haven't done one in so long!
Favourite Shoes: These Topshop platform Chelsea boots have taken my heart by storm! Don't judge, but I actually first saw these on Charlotte from Geordie Shore's Instagram and fell in love straight away. I'm not keen on heels, I love the look of them but I hate wearing them on nights out, but the heel on these - although being 5.5'' high - looks quite sturdy, so they may be comfortable-ish.. I'll try these once I get home anyway.
Favourite Blog: Currently loving A Beautiful Mess written by sister's Elsie and Emma. They come up with super quirky DIY projects, as well as recipes and tip and tricks on blogging and photography. They also run their own boutique named 'Red Velvet' in the States. Mega jealous of their lives right now. (For some reason I can't get onto their website tonight.. maybe something's wrong. If the link doesn't work for you either, just try again tomorrow but be sure to check them out.)
Favourite Recipe: Smoothies. Any kind. I never follow a strict recipe, I kind of just chuck together whatever I have lying around at home. Even though I like the taste of fruit, I really hate the textures of most fruits, thus mixing them all up into a drink makes it a lot easier for me to eat (drink) healthily. Especially now that I've been at my parent's house, I have made a smoothie almost every morning and will try to keep doing this once I return to university. I also want to start experimenting with some different flavours, maybe adding vegetables to the mix as well, other than the stereotypical banana and berries. My favourite this week has been simply mixing frozen berries, low fat milk milk and oats together for a slushy, healthy and filling breakfast drink.
Favourite Song: This is so not me, but I love this song. It's definitely a grower! I first heard this when Nick Grimshaw made it his 'Big Thing' on the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show but I didn't think much of it but right now, I can't stop listening to it.
Favourite (Current) Read: 'Fashion Makers Fashion Shapers' by Anne-Celine Jaeger. This is one of the books I was assigned to read during my reading week, and even though it's a bit of a slow mover as it is entirely made up of interviews, it's really interesting and I am learning a lot about different aspects of the fashion industry.
Image courtesy of weheartit
And finally my Favourite Note: No words needed.
Have a great weekend! I am unlikely to be blogging until at least next Wednesday as I will be staying with friends etc.
Enjoy Valentine's Day if I don't post before then - spoil a loved one. This year, I am spending it with my flatmates watching 'Valentine's Day' and possibly consuming some wine, siggggghh.
Much love xo